07 July 2013

Fine, Thank You

"How are you," you ask in greeting,
not really wanting an answer

I beat my chest in response
tear my hair and wail
"I am so very sad"
I respond to your surprised look.

I am not afraid to grieve
I am not afraid to weep
rocking in front of the wood stove
convulsed by tears.

I am not afraid to tell you of my loss
how two weeks ago
my love expanded beyond
the bounds of our universe

I am not afraid to chant
out loud in remembrance
words cobbled together to
Ganesha and Guan Yin

I am not afraid of inhabiting my anguish
I am not afraid to tell stories of the dead
I am not afraid to spin my weakness
into words

But you look uncomfortable.
Does my grief offend you?
Would you rather, when asked, that I respond
"Fine, thank you, and you?"

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