30 December 2011

Ghana is a Good Place

T. walked up behind me as we stood in line at customs. “I lost my wallet,” she stated, looking paler than her usual brand of white. I took a deep breath. We were not yet 20 minutes in the country.
As promised Eric in his security vest met us before customs and welcomed us.
“Eh Girl! You have to be careful!” He said, on hearing our plight. But after easing us through customs, and escorting us past the hawkers, he helped us find the wallet. It had slid out of her pocket and between the cushions on the plane. With a quick word to an agent, the wallet was recovered. The trick was, ironically, getting it from the ticketing agents. The airport in Accra is not a big one, and the United agents who otherwise worked check in, were preparing the plane for its continuing flight to Lagos, Nigeria. We had to wait until the plane was cleaned, boarded and on the runway before the ticketing agents returned to their window. As we navigated back to the van and the rest of our crew, a security guard, who had helped Eric track down the wallet, paused us “Now you see that there are nice people here. Ghana is a good place.” And as we were to find again and again, Ghana is a good place.

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