23 July 2010


In case you're one of the folks who is reading this to make sure I haven't fallen into a canyon, been carried off by grizzlies or run away to join the circus, please know that I will be away from my computer until July 31. More then.


  1. You are so happy to be in CA you plan to stay 5 weeks? Don't you mean JULY 31. We want a blog from Gail's. August 31 is too big a gap for me. Love, Mary

  2. I do love California, but right you are the wait is only a week. Thanks for catching it.

  3. Hey Jeny,

    I saw a western wood peewee nest this morning along the Boise River. The adulst birds were pretty agitated by our porximity to the nest. Have fun in California and give your Aunt Gail a big hug from me.

